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1. Rio Iapó  

Location:       Castro (470 km from SP)

Character:    River is passing the Canyon Guartelá (6. major Canyon of the world) 

                    Some flat water streches broken up with longer rapids and waterfalls, 

                    in the Canyon narrow passages, up to WW IV+ (V+,X) 

Landscape:   P P P P P

Water:         Color: K Quality: L

Expedition:  Q Q Q Q Q

2. Rio Tibagi 

Location:      Tibagi (530 km from SP)

Character:    Large, volume with short rapids up to Class III 

Landscape:   P P P P P

Water:         Color: L Quality: K

Expedition:  Q Q Q Q Q   

3. Rio Jaguariaíva 

Location:      Jaguariaíva (400 km from SP)

Character:    up to Class IV 

Landscape:   P P P P P 

Water:         Color: K Quality: K

Expedition:  Q Q Q Q Q

4. Rio Cachoeira 

Location:      Antonina (400 km from SP)

Character:    up to Class III 

Landscape:   P P P P P

Water:         Color: J Quality: J

Expedition:  ?  

*) Information from Website

5. Rio Turvo 

Location:      Cerro Azul (480 km from SP)

Character:    Creek 

Landscape:   ?

Water:         Color: ? Quality: ?

Expedition:  ?  

*) Information from local guys            

River descriptions


Espirito Santo

Minas Gerais

Rio de Janeiro

São Paulo


Santa Catarina

Rio Grande do Sul