R i o   P a r a n a p a n e m a

How to get there

From São Paulo take the Castello Branco (SP 280). After approx. 250 km turn into the SP 255 until the Raposo Tavares (SP 270), there, turn right in direction of Ourinhos and go on until Piraju.


The take-in may not be missed... 


The Paranapanema is large and on the first 1,5 km quiet powerful river. After that he turns into a quiet stream with short rapids. Through the dam in Piraju, the water has an exceptional clear color - unfortunately the waste water of Piraju is still dropped directly in the river  (we were informed, that a treatment plant is under construction).

Flow information

No informations available.

Other information at the local Kajak Club (over the dam, then left, right beside the lake)


Approx. 700 m after the take-in, behind an extensive curve to the left there is a portage. Almost all the water is pressing through a 10-15m wide channel, with a difference of approx. 5m of height - who gets in there, by boat or swimming, will swim long and hard and without external help, eventually the last time... Obviously there were two attempts to run this channel, both ended up with a rescue.

Put-In  / Take-Out

Beside the disco there is a small track going down to the river. In case the door is locked, try to ask at the house on the right side of the disco for access.

The take-out is at the AABB (Associação Atlético do Banco do Brasil), leaving Piraju in direction to the Raposo Tavares, there is a sign at the left side of the road.


approx. 8 km, 2 hours


Low  /  Middle  /  High


Through the hydro-power station in Piraju the gauge is in m3:

Low flow ~ 110 m3 (always available, Photos) / Maximum 160 - 200 m3


WW III- ( X !), then max. WW II

Caution, before the portage there are big eddies on the left and right side, but through the width and strong current which pushes directly into the portage, you should leave the main current early enough.



At the right side  of the portage, there is a channel with a nice drop at the end.  Nelson at his first descent.


This may be more exciting then the last stretch on the river...


Photos: Andreas, Roberto    Paddler: Nelson, Roberto, Andreas